We look forward for the result of a big love
has arrived at November29 th, 2002. His weight is 450g and he is cheerful.
“See, and now I will show you my loved Play-Dragon”
Nero in the 3rd week
“Now you are on a survival tour, son”
“Mom,do you play with me?”
“Enough, son, explore the world around you.”
Nero meets Heike’s K9 dog Andy who also lives at our home
We wish the new owner of Nero great pleasure, luck and a good success!
This is my new owner. Klaus Lehmann, judge for ability in the SV and teacher for K9 dogs and K9 Police Officers for the Police of Brandenburg
It seems he looks nice. He takes me on his arms to save my legs
Wait buddy, not far away and my weight is near 40 kg!
Bye bye, I have to go now to inspect my new home. I think this will be a great adventure!