P-puppies part 2
Hello friends
Here you see the first time of our puppies joining the sun. Our puppies seemed to be very happy in the sun. The average weight of our sweethearts is now 3450 g.
Regards Heike und Udo
March, 31th, 2005
Please sign our guestbook!
Hello friends
Some of you wrote, that they would like to see a video about our little sweethearts. Here we go. But ISDN user or analog modem user take care about the longer downloadtime.
To view you will need only the Microsoft Mediaplayer. Have fun!
Best regards
Heike and Udo April 2nd, 2005
April 12th, 2005
Hello friends
Here are some new pics of our babies. It isn’t simple anymore to get them in front of the camera, but we took some nice shoots for you.
Have fun, Heike and Udo
April 14th,2005
Hello friends
Christine and family from Berlin were here for a visit and had a nice view on their puppiy whom they will take home in early May. They took these very nice pictures we will show you. To sad that you
can’t get them bigger.
Best regards Heike and Udo
April 20th, 2005
Hello friends,
today we took some shoots with our digicam to get our puppies while playing around.
Regards Heike and Udo