Q - puppies
They are parents !
Medusa vom Sternenkämpfer
Eddy vom Felsenschloß
Hello together
My name is
Julia vom Sternenkämpfer
and it will be my story to tell you about our three healthy little babies.( 2 boys / 1 girl)
Why I??
I’m the proud grandma of our Q-puppies which are born at Oct. 25th, 2005. Some picture will
follow . So stay tuned.
Please sign our guestbook!
Oct. 28th, 2005.
This are the first pictures of my grandchildren. Look, there are three...
... and they are sooooooooo cute!
Mama Medusa looks a little tired, but at her birth I was also not a model.
Nov. 1st, 2005.
This is live. Our smallest, which was born as last and had only the weight of 300 g got a bad diarrhea. Because of his constitiotion he died. Now there are only two puppies alive.
Nov. 2nd, 2005.
Okay ... how should I tell you?
I am very very sad today. Our second male puppy had died from diarrhea.
But there is also a light in the tunnel. Our Queen is healthy and adds weight every day. The time will go on...
Nov. 3rd, 2005.
It’s time to tell some happier news!
We had taken new pictures of my lovely grandchild Queen. I don’t know if they a sharp as usually . If not it’s my wet eyes from crying. But she is the nicest and cutest girl in this area, or?
Sorry, her weight is 930 g.